Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Here I Go

     At about this time a week ago, I walked out of the first day of the 3-day long California Bar Exam.  This last week has been filled with stress, anxiety, relief, and finally relaxation. It's been a long journey to where I am. Law school has consumed pretty much every minute for the last 2 and 1/2 years of my life.  And before that it was undergrad. And before that it was graduating high school early and taking college classes at night.  School has pretty much been what has defined me and taken up my time over the past 9 years.  yeah 9 years... I've been working towards becoming an attorney.  And who knows, I may have to take the bar again, but for now, I have four months, to do nothing but everything I want to do.  It's an unusual point in life, where I am just waiting on results of the most intense test of my life so that I can move forward. However, unusual it might be I'm pretty excited for what is to come and to really work on enjoying life and being a part of the silly little things that I haven't been able to enjoy.  So here I go to see what's on the other side of law school.